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The BTC Spot ETF is gaining traction as Bitcoin soars past $33,000 - Slashdot

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    Bitcoin has surged past $33,000 per coin on Monday, rising nearly 11% in 24 hours. According to CoinGecko, the coin is up more than 17% in the past seven days. Decrypt reports: Bulls have flooded the space as talk about a spot Bitcoin ETF has investors hopeful that the long-awaited crypto product will soon get approval from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. A Monday CoinShares report showed that institutional investors are pouring money into the space; JPMorgan analysts said last week that a spot Bitcoin ETF could be approved by Christmas.

    High-profile investment firms that have applied to the SEC for a spot ETF are fine tuning their applications in the hope that the regulator will give them the green light. Investors have been hungry for a spot Bitcoin ETF for the best part of a decade but Wall Street's biggest regulator experts say has denied applications for such a product, mostly citing the potential for market manipulation as one of the main reasons.

    But analysts are now more optimistic than ever before: BlackRock, world's biggest fund manager, applied for a Bitcoin ETF of its own. Not long after, manager Grayscale scored a victory against the SEC when a federal judge sided with the firm over its application to convert its flagship Bitcoin fund into an ETF.


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    Author: Emily Richard

    Last Updated: 1698524761

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    Name: Emily Richard

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    Introduction: My name is Emily Richard, I am a apt, accomplished, ingenious, daring, unswerving, cherished, brilliant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.