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Finbold: Three Altcoins That Could Beat Bitcoin: Tradecurve (TCRV), Compound (COMP), and Zilliqa (ZIL)

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Bitcoin has been the star performer of the 2023 bull market, gaining more than 80% year-to-date. However, as with previous bull markets, there are high-performance altcoins that rake in more gains than Bitcoin. In this article, we will discuss three altcoins – Zilliqa (ZIL), Compound (COMP), and Tradecurve (TCRV) – with the potential to outperform Bitcoin in 2023.

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Why Is Zilliqa (ZIL) Pumping?

The high throughput scaling solution, Zilliqa (ZIL) has been one of the most talked-about cryptos lately. In the last few days, the price of Zilliqa spiked by more than 10% amidst major Zilliqa news. Zilliqa currently trades at $0.02062 and is up by 2.8% in the last 24 hours. The price pump came after the Zilliqa team announced that a major upgrade had successfully been deployed.

According to the announcement, v9.2.0 was launched to increase the interoperability of Scilla – the customized smart contract language of Zilliqa – and the Ethereum Virtual Machine. This will make it easier for developers to deploy smart contracts and dApps on the Zilliqa. With a Zilliqa (ZIL) metaverse also in the works, this is a good time to buy Zilliqa before the next price pump.

What Happened to Compound (COMP) Coin?

In the third week of June, the Compound (COMP) coin embarked on a rally that saw it increase by 125%. Today, Compound is replicating the same bullishness, gaining 9% in the last 24 hours. At the time of this writing, Compound trades as high as $66.02 and could rally even further. So, what has been happening to the Compound coin price? The recent rally follows a major Compound coin news which could change DeFi.

The compound team recently announced the launch of Encumber – to introduce non-custodial DeFi. According to the announcement, the Compound Encumber will help DeFi users separate the ownership of their tokens from the right to transfer them. Crypto analysts are hyped about the new Encumber, predicting that it could force a major rally for the Compound coin.

— Tradecurve (@Tradecurveapp) July 17, 2023

Tradecurve (TCRV) To Hit Before the End of 2023

Another altcoin that has been on a very bullish path is Tradecurve (TCRV). In June, Tradecurve saw its price spike by 80% moving from $0.010 to $0.018. Those who invested at the early stage are already recording an 80% ROI. However, crypto analysts are bullish that the price of Tradecurve could outperform Bitcoin in 2023, rallying by more than 50x to trade above $1.

The bullish sentiments are very strong about Tradecurve because its team is building a revolutionary hybrid crypto exchange. As a hybrid exchange, Tradecurve will incorporate decentralized features to solve the problems that have restricted the growth of centralized exchanges like Binance, Kraken, and Coinbase.

Tradecurve will operate in a permissionless and self-custodial manner, completely eliminating the need for intermediaries. This will remove the regulatory barriers that the likes of Binance and Coinbase are currently facing.

Many crypto experts are comparing Tradecurve (TCRV) to Binance. Since Binance’s ICO which started at $0.11, BNB has since surged to $248. As a result, experts anticipate similar or even more substantial price movements for Tradecurve (TCRV) in the future

Visit the links below to get more information about Tradecurve and the TCRV token:

Website: https://tradecurve.io/ 

Buy presale: https://app.tradecurve.io/sign-up 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tradecurveapp 

Telegram: https://t.me/tradecurve_official 


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Author: Luis Wheeler Jr.

Last Updated: 1704551162

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Name: Luis Wheeler Jr.

Birthday: 1969-03-03

Address: 736 Jennifer Pass, West Brian, OK 11827

Phone: +3869374203865741

Job: Mechanical Engineer

Hobby: Bird Watching, Mountain Climbing, Embroidery, Astronomy, Meditation, Cooking, Magic Tricks

Introduction: My name is Luis Wheeler Jr., I am a enterprising, receptive, resolute, multicolored, vibrant, dazzling, bold person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.