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2023 Global Year-End Review of Trade Compliance and Import/Export Developments Conference | Insight | Baker McKenzie

In keeping with tradition, we are pleased to invite you to our annual Global Year-End Review of Import/Export & Trade Compliance Developments Conference to be held on December 4-7. The conference will provide valuable insights on the latest developments, challenges and opportunities in the ever-changing landscape of international trade.

We will kick off the conference with an in-person networking session and panel discussion on December 4 on the pressing topic of "Navigating Trade Compliance Amidst Geopolitical Disruptions to the Globalized Economy," to set the stage for our substantive trade discussions later in the week. Our panel will feature seasoned professionals with a wealth of experience, including:

  • Thilo Hanemann, Partner, Rhodium Group
  • Phil Levy, Chief Economist, Flexport
  • John McKenzie, Partner, Baker McKenzie
  • Alison Stafford Powell, Partner, Baker McKenzie
  • Rod Hunter (Moderator), Partner, Baker McKenzie

The panel, followed immediately by a networking reception, will take place on Monday, December 4 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm PT at the Hyatt Regency in Santa Clara, California.

The main conference sessions will then be held virtually on Tuesday, December 5, Wednesday, December 6 and Thursday, December 7, comprised of three substantive sessions each day at 8:30 am, 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm PT.

Please click the button below to sign up for our in-person panel discussion and reception. We kindly request your RSVP by Monday, November 20.

Virtual Sessions Registration (December 5–7)

VIDEO: Session 3: China Export and Trade Developments
Baker McKenzie

Please click on the "Register for this session" buttons below to sign up for the virtual sessions you would like to attend.

Note: Panels are listed in Pacific Time; topics and speakers are subject to change.

Tuesday, December 5 l Day One

VIDEO: Session 1: Export Control Developments: United States, United Kingdom, European Union
Baker McKenzie

Sanctions Developments (US, EU, UK, Switzerland, Canada)
8:30–10:00 am PT

SPEAKERS: Alison Stafford Powell (Chair), Janet Kim, Ben Smith, Seher Budak, Phil Reich, Hanna Shtepa, Julia Webster

  • Russia
  • Changing approaches to sanctions screening/control
  • Various sanctions developments
  • Broader cooperation themes
  • Looking ahead – Risk identification, assessment, and planning

Export Control Developments in the US, EU and UK
12:00–1:15 pm PT

SPEAKERS: John McKenzie (Chair), Alison Stafford Powell, Paul Amberg, Derk Christiaans, Lise Test 

  • Semiconductor controls in the US, Netherlands and Japan – thorny questions and broader impacts
  • Coping with the foreign direct product jurisdictional rules
  • Access information and release of software
  • Emerging technologies/ICTS regime
  • UK export control developments
  • EU export control developments
  • New US outbound investment regime 

China's Trade Developments
3:00–4:15 pm PT

SPEAKERS: John McKenzie (Chair), Frank Pan, Vivian Wu, Tina Li, Ivy Tan, Iris Zhang

  • Update on Chinese retaliatory sanctions and trends of enforcement
  • New export controls on germanium, gallium and graphite as retaliatory measures and their practical implications for supply chain sustainability
  • Cybersecurity rules update from market entry and supply chain perspectives
  • Counter-espionage law amendment and national security-related enforcement’s implications for trade due diligence and internal investigations
  • Cross-border data transfer statutory requirement update and implications for internal and external investigations
  • Customs audit trends and voluntary disclosure update

Wednesday, December 6 l Day Two

VIDEO: Introducing the World Export Development Forum 2023
International Trade Centre

Customs and Import Developments (US, Canada, Mexico, EU, UK)
8:30–10:00 am PT

SPEAKERS: John McKenzie (Chair), Meredith DeMent, Jennifer Revis, Nicole Looks, Adriana Ibarra-Fernandez, Julia Webster, Christine Streatfeild, Arnoud Willems, Bregt Natens 

  • Customs valuation and origin developments
  • USMCA Updated: origin verifications, Rapid Response Labor Mechanism, key compliance considerations
  • Brexit issues
  • EU: Planned revamp of EU customs legislation by 2035
  • Customs enforcement trends and practices
  • Section 301 updates and anti-dumping investigation trends in the US
  • Trade remedies updates and mitigating risk of anti-dumping duties and systematically identifying opportunities to obtain protection from ADD/CVDs 

Forced Labor, Supply Chain Due Diligence and Risk Mitigation
12:00–1:15 pm PT

SPEAKERS: John McKenzie (Chair), Meredith DeMent, Eunkyung Kim Shin, Jennifer Revis, Aleesha Fowler, Alexander Ehrle

  • UFLPA supply chain mapping, risk mitigation and enforcement
  • Modern slavery developments
  • EU supply chain due diligence developments
  • ESG impacts on supply chain, new EU deforestation regulation

Enforcement Trends and Risk Mitigation Across the G7
3:00–4:15 pm PT

SPEAKERS: Alison Stafford Powell (Chair), Terry Gilroy, Kerry Contini, Alex Lamy, Tristan Grimmer, Jessica Nall 

  • New BIS voluntary disclosure policy
  • New DOJ voluntary disclosure policy
  • Tri-Seal Compliance Notes on voluntary self-disclosures and third-party intermediaries
  • Evasion, diversion, circumvention, parallel imports or export violation?
  • International enforcement collaboration: Five Eyes
  • EU/UK
  • Trade secret theft
  • Handling whistleblower complaints related to sanctions/export controls
  • Mitigating third-party litigation risk

Thursday, December 7 l Day Three

VIDEO: Session 2: Customs & Import Developments
Baker McKenzie

AI and Trade-related Risks
8:30–10:00 am PT

SPEAKERS: Alison Stafford Powell (Chair), Janet Kim, Adam Aft, Tristan Grimmer, Sue McLean

  • Roundtable discussion of potential trade compliance considerations in the world of AI
  • What is AI?
  • Hardware, services (SaaS/IaaS), AI-generated content, end-use considerations
  • Controlling emerging technologies
  • Outbound investment regimes, FDI, ICTS regime

 LATAM Trade Developments (Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru)
12:00–1:15 pm PT

SPEAKERS: John McKenzie (Chair), Jose Hoyos-Robles, Alessandra Machado (Of Counsel, Trench Rossi Watanabe), Francisco Negrao (Partner, Trench Rossi Watanabe), Esteban Ropolo, Gonzalo Bernal, Juan David Lopez

  • Geopolitical situation in the Latin American region
  • Foreign trade audits
  • Tariff changes/trade remedies
  • Free trade agreements in Latin America
  • Country-specific trends and developments 

APAC Trade Developments (Japan, ASEAN, Taiwan)
3:00–4:15 pm PT

SPEAKERS: John McKenzie (Chair), Anne Petterd, Ivy Tan, Louis Hsieh, Izumi Matsumoto

  • Sanctions and export control developments
  • Responses to US semiconductor restrictions
  • Latest customs audit hot topics, enforcement trend and common compliance pitfalls
  • Importing from Taiwan into China – country of origin challenges
  • Recent FTA developments

If you're unable to attend but wish to receive materials etc., please fill out this form.

Sign Up for a Virtual One-to-One Meeting

VIDEO: #MemberCon23 Ask the Experts
The Institute of Export & International Trade

If you would you like to arrange a 20-minute virtual one-to-one session with one of our international trade attorneys, please indicate the topic or question you'd like to discuss. We’ll contact you to schedule a convenient time to meet.

Visit our international trade blogs

VIDEO: Customs Audits and Export Controls in China
Baker McKenzie
  • Sanctions and Export Controls Update
  • Foreign Investment & National Security
  • Global Supply Chain Compliance
  • Global Compliance News


Article information

Author: Dr. Amber Christensen

Last Updated: 1700394362

Views: 1028

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (30 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Amber Christensen

Birthday: 1919-02-23

Address: 7216 Beth Stravenue Suite 636, Williamland, AR 37709

Phone: +4443310311049824

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Hiking, Rock Climbing, Puzzle Solving, Card Games, Painting, Bowling, Orienteering

Introduction: My name is Dr. Amber Christensen, I am a accessible, unreserved, Determined, venturesome, Gifted, tenacious, proficient person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.